Monday, November 08, 2004

Some thoughts I've had and been too busy to compile and post:

I voted. Go team. Too bad we couldn't pull Ohio...and those 20 some-odd other southern states...

There was a demonstration on campus with a wall being pulled by a mini-van representing the wall/fence/etc in Israel. It was sponsored by SJP(Students for Justice in Palestine), and they were promoting a speaker that was coming in. He, obviously, must have been knowledgeable in peace negotiations as -- no, not a member of the PLO, K'nesset, some other organization involved with peace negotiations -- a hydrologist. His talk was about the "devastating environmental impact of Israeli aggression on the people and the land of Palestine." Oh please. Gotta save the land, but fuck our children. Let them blow themselves up. This will be a fun four years! I can't wait to start showing up to Cross Cultural center meetings and the like and throwing this kinda shit at them. Just to see them squirm. I really should stop typing before it gets me in trouble. And it has just become a private post. BTW, I'm all for civilized talks with the anti-Zionists, so long as they are.

I got groceries: TP, Jello pudding, ritz crackers, albertsons brand pop-tarts, and gatorade. Yum.

Quote of the day(a few days ago)
"If you want to find a Rabbi, you’re going to go to a synagogue. You’re not gonna go to the [coffee shop], you’re going to go to a synagogue."-Prof. Biale of Jewish Studies

i think that's it for now...awesome weekend at kesher convention! oh debauchery.

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