Wednesday, September 21, 2005

La la la la la la la, Life is wonderful. Ah la la la la la la, Life comes full circle.

Almost two years ago, a friend of mine, a musician, had to leave his house very quickly because wild fires were approaching. He didn't have time to gather any belongings. When his house burned down, he lost everything; significantly, all three of his guitars: an ovation, nylon string, and an electric. While I knew insurance would cover everything, I knew that it was really important to make sure that we got a guitar in his hands quickly. I asked a number of people from our Synagogue, where we both worked, and we were able to pull together enough to get him a really nice guitar: A Taylor 214. It sounded great, and he was very happy with it.

During the last few weeks, I have been researching guitars to buy. I got one today after scratching Carvin and Timberline off the list. Both brands had decent guitars, but they were not what I really was looking for. Larrviee had good guitars, except their sound died when I put a capo on the neck. Seeing as how capo playing is how 70% of song leading encompasses, I knew I had to pass. Tonight, I found what I wanted: a Taylor 214e - the same guitar I bought my friend, but this has electronics so I can plug it in to a pa system. I'm super-duper stoked. Like whoa. It sounds great, the action is fantastic, it's got a very rich sound, and it's a Grand Auditorium(which means it's got the feel and sound of a jumbo, but not as big of a bottom end). Here are pics:

Link to the main Taylor page for the guitar:

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See, it's REALLY a Taylor! The tag even says so...
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