First, I must give a warning to all of those who do not celebrate Christmas: Christmas doesn't start until the 25th; it does not start at sundown. Good job.
I'm watching Midnight Mass on WGN right now, and I thought I'd provide some commentary to it...
• They're singing songs in English and I recognize some of the lyrics as from the Old Testament. I know this because these same lines are used in certain Jewish songs; "Sing a new song unto God(aka: Shiru l'Adonai shir chadash)", and "let the heavens be glad".
• There are two cantors singing. If they were Jewish, the only change that would need to be made is the language used. I don't particularly care for that. I understand the purpose of sacred music, I rather enjoy it. What I don't understand is why it must take a form so similar to that of the church. Please don't read too much into this comment as I really don't know what point I'm trying to make. Just a thought.
• The Archbishop is giving a sermon. It's so simple. But it teaches. He's talking about his religion, not politics. I think I might understand why Christianity has such a big draw: simple lessons and values that are easy to understand, and these lessons are taught over and over again. That is also, however, why I love Judaism. I love the nuances of our faith and how so many people can take these same texts and get so many different ideas and conclusions. I just wish the pulpit was used more for the purpose of teaching, rather than politicking.
• The podium being used by the Archbishop is made of wood. On the front is a carving of the body of Jesus on the Cross. The top vertical post, however, is not there. So it looks like Jesus is carrying the podium.
• They're prostrating. It reminds me of Yom Kippur.
• They're talking about his death. I thought this was his BIRTHday? I need to study this religion more...
• There's a guy speaking in Latin with an American accent. It's like "Spanglish", but more like "Latinish"
• I find it fascinating that above all, Jews and Christians pray for the same thing: (as quoted from a song during this Mass) "Oh Lord, hear our prayer." It's so simple; we all just want to make sure that there's someone/something listening.
• Now they're passing baskets attached to poles for collecting money. It's kinda in your face giving. I hope that money goes to a homeless shelter.
• Funny shot: cups of wine, and a mic cable sticking up. Awesome.
• The people leading the service keep bowing to each other. I'm confused. Again, I need to learn more about this religion.
• The Archbishop is doing an adaptation of the Priestly benediction for the congregation. Mos def an adaptation...but still close...
That was really interesting. It made me want to learn more. Happy holidays to all.
7 years ago